Ci-dessous voici un ensemble de vidéos reportage et témoignages qui illustrent la réalité des Valoristes partout dans le monde :
« Chris »
« Binning in Victoria »
« This video, produced by the Community-based Research Laboratory (CBRL) at
the University of Victoria, in collaboration with the MOTHERs project,
highlights a Participatory Video project conducted with Binners in
Victoria, Canada. Documenting the experiences and challenges of some
Binners, these individuals reveal their lives on a tour of their
traplines and participate in the distribution of specifically designed
tent-trailers to improve their quality of life. This project is part of a
larger research initiative focusing on the livelihoods of informal and
organized recyclers in different countries of the world. »
Trailer – Redemption from DCTV on Vimeo.
« Beyond Gramacho »
« Beyond Gramacho reveals the socio-economic and environmental conditions,
struggles and opportunities that are present in informal resource
recovery. Over 1800 Catadores work day and night at the landfill and
neighboring recycling cooperatives, recovering recyclable materials from
the waste stream. Almost at its capacity, Gramacho receives about 7,000
metric tons of waste every day, not only from Rio de Janeiro and Duque de
Caxias but also from the neighboring municipalities.
This video takes you through the residential area, a squatter settlement
beside the landfill, where many of the Catadores and their families live.
The video portrays the sad reality of the extreme poverty and exclusion
this community faces. As meager as this work is, it is for many the only
life they have known, and the proposed closure of the landfill poses a
major threat to their livelihoods. The video illustrates the growing
national social movement of Catadores, the Movimento Nacional dos
Catadores, and showcases some successful experiences from the Greater
Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. »